Monday, June 28, 2010

Walking Update

We're closing in on Arden's birthday! Kyle's father and his wife are coming in town for the event. It's going to be an exciting time with what looks like stellar weather!
Arden is teething like CRAZY. She's being a trooper, but needing extra care. There may be as many as 6 teeth coming at the same time.
She has also learned how to stand herself up without a prop! She's getting very steady. Running is right around the corner…..

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Arden Walking

Here she is! It's only a matter of time before the wobble turns into a run!

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Fire Island Trip

We just got back from a fun trip on Fire Island with Aunt Lauren, and Michael and Melinda Canipe! We went out on Saturday morning and spent time resting, eating, and walking along the beach. Arden was a bit wary of the ocean. Seeing as it was her 1st time, she did very well. She enjoyed playing in the sand (away from the water) and practiced taking baby steps in the house. Arden also loved spending time with everyone. Being the center of attention is always a wonderful experience! Just about two weeks until Arden's 1st birthday! Time has flown….