Arden turns 8 months old in 4 days!
It's been a rather tough couple of months dealing with various ailments and teething for Arden. She's been a real trooper through it all, still smiling and engaging us even though she has been in obvious discomfort. The big news is that Arden now has 4 teeth and is teething on 4 MORE teeth that seem to bemaking their move! Before long, she will have 6 teeth up top, and...two on bottom :)
In other news, Arden isn't quite crawling yet but she loves to stand in her crib (with help getting stood up). She is also really enjoying solid food as is evident by the fact that she now weighs 18 lbs! That's just about average for her age. Arden is also babbling now! She loves experimenting with volume (ouch) and can say ba, ma, da, fa, and likes to vibrate her tongue.
Kyle's sister, Corrie, came for a visit last week flying all the way from Alaska! Arden loved spending time with her Auntie, and Corrie made a couple cute hats for Arden to wear.