A few months ago, I met a group of moms and babies at a playground in Astoria. Arden just started playing with their kids and the moms told me that they get together fairly frequently and that I could hang out with them sometimes if I wanted to. Little did they know that was something I had so longed for since the day Arden was born. Other moms who lived close to me that I could support and have fun with and have Arden play with their babies. In NYC, when so many of us have moved here to pursue love and life and careers, we are often far away from family. That can leave a momma feeling rather alone and unsupported. Well, the Astoria moms have taken matters into their own hands and formed a wonderful family of their own. It's funny that I still hesitate to say "we" since they are such a tight knit group and some moms have been together since their babies were newborns - but, we get together for after-nap playdates, trips to the Manhattan Children's museum (Arden and I didn't go :(), playground romps and Friday afternoon happy hour.
Yesterday, Arden, Penny, Mew and I hosted four beautiful moms and babes. We had a great time! The babies ages range from about 7 1/2 months to almost 2 years old. The babies play so well together and the moms have a wonderful time too, as you can imagine.
Cheers Astoria Mommas! Thank you for welcoming Arden and I with open arms!

Odin and Jesse. Odin saying, "Puff"!

Moms - Katie, Jenn and Mara with babies Shyla, Jesse, Arden and you can see a bit of Liora playing piano

Mara and Megan

Liora, Megan's baby

I tried and failed to capture Arden kissing Liora on the top of her head. It was so sweet!